Optimized air-liquid-interface respiratory tract model using InSCREENeX cells and cellQART® Inserts
Prepared by: Dr. Kristina Nehlsen and Dr. Tobias May
InSCREENeX GmbH (inscreenex.de)
The development of efficient and physiological relevant airway tract models is a challenge in the field.
Here, InSCREENeX and cellQART® describe the generation of an optimized airway model in an air-liquid-interface culture. The model portrays tight junctions as well as cell polarisation. Superior TEER measurements confirm tight barrier formation. In addition, epithelial barrier establishment time is reduced by 2-fold, lowering maintenance costs without compromising integrity or function.
This innovative model was developed using InSCREENeX immortalised upper and lower airway epithelial cells cultured in FasTEER differentiation medium on cellQART® Cell Culture Inserts.
The application report can be downloaded right here.

Customer’s voice

“With the cellQART® product line SABEU has created something that is of vital importance for our work and which we are absolutely excited about. The products we work with are easy to use and at the same time robust in handling while delivering reliable and reproducible results. And this applies to the cellQART® filter inserts in every respect. Since we have been using cellQART® inserts in our experiments we reduced the failure rate to zero. For us at InSCREENeX an essential factor for a perfect partnership is delivering on commitments – And that is what SABEU has always proven to us.”