Self-assembly of human neural 3D cell cultures
using Nanomed3D PASAP1 hydrogel and cellQART® Cell Culture Inserts
Nanomed3D R&D team (, Karina Cuanalo-Contreras, PhD

Recent advances in 3D cell culture and cellular differentiation, offer promising alternatives to study normal and pathological conditions in a human relevant context. 3D cell culture allows cells to grow and interact in a platform that simulates in vivo like conditions. Here, we describe the 3D self-assembly, and differentiation of human neural stem cells embedded in PASAP1 – a 100% animal-free synthetic matrix from Nanomed3D – grown on cellQART® Cell Culture Inserts made by SABEU.
cellZscope® TEER systems are 100% compatible with cellQART® Inserts
nanoAnalytics GmbH (

cellZscope® is an innovative automated TEER measurement system that puts an end to labour and time consuming manual TEER methods. We are thrilled to announce that cellQART® Inserts are fully compatible with cellZscope® systems.
Optimized air-liquid-interface respiratory tract model using InSCREENeX cells and cellQART® Inserts
Dr. Kristina Nehlsen and Dr. Tobias May | InSCREENeX GmbH (

In this application report, InSCREENeX joins forces with cellQART® to develop a physiological and time-effective ALI model using InSCREENeX immortalised airway cells cultured on cellQART® Inserts. cellQART® Inserts allow optimal cultivation and better cell monitoring than the competitor.