Obstacles and vision to replace animal testing – Part 3/4 of cellQART's interview series with FRAME
We still face barriers in testing and research when it comes to moving away from animal testing. Continuing our series of interviews with FRAME's (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) CEO Celean Camp and our CEO Dennis Benkmann, Celean provides insights into testing regulations in different sectors.
In testing, regulatory guidelines and official recommendations for animal use remain in place, requiring extensive data provision. Although there are changes, such as the UK government's reformed guidelines, more work and regulation is needed.
In research, barriers include incentive to change in the academic sector, funding and publications as references to moving from in vivo to in vitro. Animal research still remains culturally ingrained in certain fields, hindering progress.
There's still a long way to go, but we're working tirelessly towards an animal-free future, one step at a time. Stay tuned for the final part of our interview series next week, where we'll talk about how to accelerate this transition!